THE TASTE OF MEMORY. 4 12/17/2020
My final day of quarantine and I’m ready to taste my freedom! A joyous way to begin my day with our fabulous students creating amazing artwork. Our fun warm up involved each student miming a kitchen utensil or piece of silverware, while the rest of us guessed what it was. Laughing together even though apart is a great way of destressing and connecting. Participants had previously collected utensils and silverware that held a special meaning or significance for them. Susanna, who was joining our class again, held up ivory chopsticks, which her father had given her 50 years ago and engraved with her name. Pun displayed a green chopping mat. It was a gift from her sister who has since passed, and so holds very special memories. So Sim held a precious rice bowl given to her by her aunt 40 years ago. She uses it to make special rice cakes once a year. JuLisa carefully showed a large pair of scissors in a brown sheath which her Mum had given her 40 years ago. These...